The Mediator
Adrienne Cox works with clients in a safe, confidential environment which is informal, yet professional. She has 20 years mediation experience, an approachable manner and is sensitive to the challenges faced by those dealing with separation. Adrienne's specialisations include assisting clients with arrangements for children, parenting plans, improving communication and helping clients to find financial solutions following separation.
Her knowledge of family law, her skills as a mediator and her experience of the emotional aspects of separation is critical in helping separated couples find solutions. Family mediation provides the best opportunity to explore and agree workable arrangements that address the needs, concerns and priorities of each of them and their family. Adrienne also has a leading role in the development of profesional mediation standards nationwide.
Separating or divorced couples will be offered accurate information about matters that relate to the separation to enable informed decisions to be made. Mediators do not give legal advice but Adrienne encourages those attending mediation to seek their own independent legal advice alongside the process where necessary.
Adrienne’s relevant qualifications/experience:
- Qualified as a solicitor specialising in Family law (1991)
- Qualified as a family mediator (1999)
- Ceased practicing as a solicitor to focus on family mediation (2002)
- Accredited Family Mediator with the Legal Services Commission (2003)
- Accredited Family Mediator with Resolution (2004)
- Family Law lecturer at the University of Exeter (2002 - 2015)
- Mediation Consultant (Professional Practice Consultant) (2007)
- Mediation trainer
- Qualified to consult directly with children as part of Family Mediation process and undertake child inclusive mediation (2008)
- Board Member of the Family Mediation Standards Board between 2015 and 2020
- Member of the Family Solutions Working Group 2020, part of the Private Law Working Group - Authors of the "What about me?" Reframing support for families following separation, Report November 2020
- Accredited provider of the Family Transitions Triple P parenting programme (2022)
- Hybrid Mediation trained (2022)