Parent Support

Parenting is difficult at the best of times.  Parenting after separation or at the time of separation, can feel impossible.  Parents are naturally struggling with their own emotions and feelings, and in particular their sometimes hostile feelings towards the other parent.  At a time when it feels almost impossible and certainly unwelcome, it is more important than ever for parents to work together for the sake of their children.  Children need their parents to be there for them, following separation.  If parents are able to work together (subject to any safeguarding concerns) and put their children’s needs at the centre of their decision making, children are much less likely to suffer any negative consequences as a result of the separation.

Conflict between parents can make children feel sad and anxious and worried about how their parents are doing.  Here are a couple of links that you may find help you improve the way you talk to each other: 
This is a short course provided by OnePlusOne which is a relationships charity.  You will need to register, but registering is easy.  There are lots of very useful resources on their website.
Click on this link to see a video of 4 families, learning to “see it differently.”  Parents have fed back saying that this really helped them to look at things in a different light and with a focus on the impact of what is happening on their children.
The following are websites might be helpful: