Information for parents


"In our shoes"

Experiences of children and young people in the Family Justice System by the Family Justice Young Peoples Board - Download here





 Family Solutions - Download here

Resolution brochure - Download here

Cafcass Parenting Plan - Download here

Because it’s for the kids” - Downlaod here


Early Help for parents page provides a number of tools for supporting parents in conflict:
Sorting Out Separation – Children and Parenting section:
"See it differently" resources;
One Plus One
NACCC - National Association of Child Contact Centres
Only Dads
Only Mums
Gingerbread or call 0808 802 0925
Resolution Parenting through Separation information:
The Parent Connection – Getting it Right for Children When Parents Part
The Parent Connection – Children and Separation a Guide for Parents
The Parents Promise
This is a really useful website from British Columbia to help parents following separation.  Even though it is a Canadian website many of the resources and information apply equally to parenting separating in the UK

 Video clips

Co-parenting can make an enormous positive difference to the lives of children following separation. This video, put together by Fegans, a charity that supports parents and children following separation and Wells Family Mediation team in Kent, demonstrates the impact that working better together as parents can have on children.


Co-Parenting video clip prepared by Fegans and Wells Family Mediation from Wells Family Mediation on Vimeo.


 This is a moving clip of a poem, written by young people whose parents have separated.