Domestic Abuse Support
Do you feel that you change your behaviour with your partner or former partner because you are frightened of what might happen? If so, you might be in an abusive relationship. If you are experiencing abuse of any kind, by your partner or former partner, there are a range of support services available that can help you to find ways to be safe, cope with what is happening to either you, your partner or other member of the family and to change the status quo and start the journey of recovery.
- FearFree is a charity that supports people who are currently or who have recently experienced domestic abuse and provides support services in the Devon County Council area. Call on 0345 1551074 or see their website on
- SAFE (Stop Abuse for Everyone) is a charity that supports families to recover from trauma including domestic abuse in Devon area. Call them on 03030 300112 or see their website at
- Voices: Domestic Abuse Commissioner support is a virtual platform for victicms/survivors of domestic abuse and violence. See their website at
- Young voices is a charity that supports 5-17 years old who have experienced domestic abuse. See thier webiste at
- Standing Tall is a partnership of local community groups and organisations that have come together to provide a range of local support to people in Torbay who have experienced domestic abuse or sexual violence
- Barnardos and the Empower Kids project: this website helps people understand what children and young people say about domestic abuse and provides helpful resources. See this at
- The Mankind Initiative is a charity that supports male victims of domestic abuse. Call on 01823 334244 or see their website on
- Respect work with both male victims and male perpetrators to prevent abuse. Call them on 0203 5596650 or see their website at
- Women’s Aid Call on 0808 2000 24724 or see their website on
- North Devon Against Domestic Abuse Call on 01271 321946 or see their website on
- More Positive Me work with people who have been impacted by Domestic Abuse to help them find the strength and skills to lead fullfilled and happy lives. See their website on
- Support Through Court in Exeter Call on 01392 415335 or their national helpline on 0300 0810006 or see their website on
- Men's Advice Line is a helpline for malesurvivors of domestic abise. Call 0808 500 2222 See
- National Domestic Abuse Helpline (England) provides 24 hour helpful offering support and advice on doemstic abuse and can put womedn in touch with local refuses. Call 0808 2000 247
- Respect Phone Line – Call them on 0808 8024040 or see their website at
- Respect – see their website at
- Dinah Mears – see their website at
- Ahimsa - call them on 01752 213535 or see their website at