Each client will be assessed to see if they are eligible for free mediation. Devon & Exeter Mediaiton Practice does not undertake legal aid mediation and so if a client is eligible for free mediation, Adrienne will refer the client to a legal aid mediation service.
The costs will be charged as follows (please note that as from 1st April 2024 all costs will be subject to VAT):
- Initial telephone call assessment - free of charge.
- Information and Assessment meeting - £95 (£114 inc. of VAT)
- Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting ( MIAM ) £95 (£114 inc. of VAT)
- Provision of a signed court form ( C100 or Form A) following a mediation £40 (£48 inc. of VAT) or following a MIAM or assessment meeting £40 (£48 inc. of VAT)
- Mediation sessions on line - £110.00 per person per hour (£132 per person per hour inc. of VAT)
- Mediation sessions in person (from 1st March 2025) - £125 per person per hour (£150 per person per hour inc. of vat)
Cost will depend on the length of the session but they generally last about 1½ hours ie for an online session £165 per person per session (£198 inc. of VAT)
- Paperwork - £110 per person per hour (£132 inc. of VAT)
A charge is only made for drafting letters, financial summaries, collating financial documentation or summaries of the discussions after each mediation session and the final summary documentation. For example, 45 mintues of paperwork will be charged at £82.50 each (£99 inc. of VAT). Please discuss this with Adrienne for further clarification if needed. Of additional work is required or requested, Adrienne will discuss the costs of this with you on a case by case basis.
At the conclusion of mediation, if finances are involved you will need a summary document of all your financial information. In addition you will need a formal document known as the Memorandum of Understanding which summarises your discussions and the decisions that you reached in mediation. It is this document that your solicitor would use if you wished any decisions to be made legally binding.
- Meeting children in mediation - £110 per hour shared between the parents (£132 inc. of VAT)
A typical mediation dealing with both arrangements for children and financial matters including paperwork would be approximately £800 - £1600 per person (plus VAT).
By comparison, solicitors costs incurred through negotiation or where applications are made to court can be in the region of £4000 – £20,000 per person, where all issues are discussed. In some cases they can be considerably more.